The most frequent obstacle in the way of people passing the Engineer in Training exam is the simple task of preparation. Failing to employ effective study techniques or simply ignoring them all together is the root cause for most unsuccessful exam takers. We are engineers, gifted with the ability to retain an inordinate amount of technical information. We all have what it takes to pass the exam, but if you are like many, the prospect of sitting for 8 hours while being milled with questions covering all the subjects we were taught in our college years can be a bit overwhelming. If you are asking yourself, “Where do I even start studying for the EIT exam?”, then reading the suggestions below will provide you with a simple guideline to becoming more effective in the upcoming months of pounding books.
The following are my suggestions of what to do immediately prior to setting forth on your journey of dominating the Engineer in Training exam.
Engineer in Training Exam Review Book:
Before anything, you should consider getting your hands on a quality review manual. Having a concise resource composed with all relevant information really helps focus your studies. Most any manuals should suffice, as the roots of the Engineering discipline is what it is, and doesn’t evolve away from the basics. Though, if you are purchasing new, having the most updated version never hurts. I used Michael Lindeburg’s FE Review Manual and found that it was worth every penny I spent. You can read reviews and purchase the book from Amazon HERE.
Engineer in Training Exam Sample Questions:
Practice exams are a vital part in successfully preparing for the Engineer in Training Exam. Being able to apply what you learn against a structured practice exam is beyond valuable. Not only does it allow you to prepare yourself for what to expect on the test, but it also mentally prepares you for working under the timed conditions. The timing factor is something people tend to overlook, you have 120 total problems on the EIT exam and 480 minutes to complete them; that breaks down to 4 minutes per problem. I used Michael Lindeburg’s FE/EIT Sample Examinations in my preparation. You can read reviews and purchase the book from Amazon HERE…
NCEES Engineer in Training Exam Reference Manual:
You are unable to use any of your personal books for the Engineer in Training Exam. However, their is a huge resource that NCEES provides you prior to taking the exam, the NCEES Reference Manual. Knowing from the beginning what information is inside this manual is a must and will pay dividends in your preparation. Over time, you will learn how to be efficient in finding the information you need. Remember, you have 4 minutes to solve each problem, no need to waste that time flipping pages. You can purchase or download the Engineer in Training FE Exam HERE